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Lost Property

If you have recently lost an item, please fill in the form below with as much detail as possible. If your item has been found, you will be contacted and advised how to collect it. Before you complete the form please read the notes below.


Please note...

  • Perishable items, such as food and beverages and their containers, will not be returned and will be disposed of immediately.
  • Non-perishable items will be held for 3 months from the found date. Items not claimed will be disposed of after 3 months according to RAS policies and procedures.
  • When a claim is made for an item, the claimant will be required to provide evidence of ownership and photo identification.
  • Australian passports will be returned to the Australian Passport Office. International passports will be returned to the relevant consulate in Australia via registered post.
  • Credit cards, drivers licences and other identification will be destroyed if not claimed within 3 months.



Privacy Statement:

Information provided to the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW ("RAS") via this form is used for the purpose of processing Lost Property, reuniting the Lost Property with its owner and ensuring that the records of the RAS are correct and efficient. Information may be collected electronically, via telephone or paper based and will be held securely. By providing personal information, including but not limited to your name, current address, telephone or mobile phone number, email address, or details of the Lost Property, you consent to your personal information being used for the purpose of documenting the Lost Property. This information will remain confidential at all times except for disclosure which you have consented to or which is otherwise required by law. The provision of information is voluntary, however, if this information is not provided the RAS may not be able to use your information to effect the purposes for which the information has been provided or collected. Your details will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Laws. This may be done by contacting our Privacy Officer on (02) 9704 1111 or in writing to the RAS, locked Bag 4317, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127. All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the RAS Complaints Handling Procedure.

Please note...

  • Perishable items, such as food and beverages and their containers, will not be returned and will be disposed of immediately.
  • Non-perishable items will be held for 3 months from the found date. Items not claimed will be disposed of after 3 months according to RAS policies and procedures.
  • When a claim is made for an item, the claimant will be required to provide evidence of ownership and photo identification.
  • Australian passports will be returned to the Australian Passport Office. International passports will be returned to the relevant consulate in Australia via registered post.
  • Credit cards, drivers licences and other identification will be destroyed if not claimed within 3 months.



Privacy Statement:

Information provided to the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW ("RAS") via this form is used for the purpose of processing Lost Property, reuniting the Lost Property with its owner and ensuring that the records of the RAS are correct and efficient. Information may be collected electronically, via telephone or paper based and will be held securely. By providing personal information, including but not limited to your name, current address, telephone or mobile phone number, email address, or details of the Lost Property, you consent to your personal information being used for the purpose of documenting the Lost Property. This information will remain confidential at all times except for disclosure which you have consented to or which is otherwise required by law. The provision of information is voluntary, however, if this information is not provided the RAS may not be able to use your information to effect the purposes for which the information has been provided or collected. Your details will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Laws. This may be done by contacting our Privacy Officer on (02) 9704 1111 or in writing to the RAS, locked Bag 4317, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127. All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the RAS Complaints Handling Procedure.

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